Aged/Seasoned WYOMING SIC CODE: Automotive Services Company Seasoned over 10 years. In good standing with established Wyoming fictitious name. Established EIN number included, all corporate records, corporate resolutions authorizing incorporation, articles of incorporation, corporate minutes, corporate bylaws, stock certificates, corporate kit with seal, 5 page website, corporate business checking account and gold debit MasterCard assistance for owner, certificate of good standing, 1 year registered agent fees and mail forwarding service included. Estimated Credit Potential $390,000.00 in corporate loans qualified. Foreign state registration included and all loan underwriting services included. – Price $72,446.00

Aged/Seasoned WYOMING SIC CODE: Automotive Services Company Seasoned over 10 years. In good standing with established Wyoming fictitious name. Established EIN number included, all corporate records, corporate resolutions authorizing incorporation, articles of incorporation, corporate minutes, corporate bylaws, stock certificates, corporate kit with seal, 5 page website, corporate business checking account and gold debit MasterCard assistance for owner, certificate of good standing, 1 year registered agent fees and mail forwarding service included. Estimated Credit Potential $390,000.00 in corporate loans qualified. Foreign state registration included and all loan underwriting services included. – Price $72,446.00