Date Filed: 2016/2017 WEED RUNNER-INC: Two (2) Aged/Seasoned CALIFORNIA Corporations plus WEED RUNNER DELIVERY SERVICE, INC. is a professionally engineered bullet proof two (2) corporations business model structured to meet or exceed all current medical marijuana cultivation and delivery guidelines with special attention given to comply with the new California state -Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation “BMMR” guidelines designed to regulate dispensaries, delivery transport services, cultivation, and processing sites for proposed California recreational marijuana sales locations. Additionally, the WEED RUNNER DELIVERY SERVICE INC. business model has been engineered to qualify for traditional banking relationships as well as qualify for the newly proposed California state run banks exclusively created for the banking relationships with marijuana industry related companies. Price $71,685.00

Date Filed: 2016/2017 WEED RUNNER-INC: Two (2) Aged/Seasoned CALIFORNIA Corporations plus WEED RUNNER DELIVERY SERVICE, INC. is a professionally engineered bullet proof two (2) corporations business model structured to meet or exceed all current medical marijuana cultivation and delivery guidelines with special attention given to comply with the new California state -Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation “BMMR” guidelines designed to regulate dispensaries, delivery transport services, cultivation, and processing sites for proposed California recreational marijuana sales locations. Additionally, the WEED RUNNER DELIVERY SERVICE INC. business model has been engineered to qualify for traditional banking relationships as well as qualify for the newly proposed California state run banks exclusively created for the banking relationships with marijuana industry related companies. Price $71,685